At Cross Cultural Consultants, we specialise in providing comprehensive Business Development services, focusing on Business Planning and Capacity Building tailored to the unique needs of First Nations businesses and organisations. As a registered service provider under the Northern Territory Business Growth Program, we are committed to promoting sustainable economic, social, and cultural development in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Organisational & Business Development

The team at Cross Cultural Consultants is dedicated to helping organisations thrive through strategic planning, policy development, governance, and other institutional strengthening activities. We offer a wide range of services to support your journey towards success, such as:

  • Facilitating the development of governance frameworks

    We work closely with you to establish robust governance structures, ensuring your organisation is well-prepared to meet its objectives.

  • Facilitating and Writing Strategic and Business Plans

    We assist in developing comprehensive plans that outline your vision, objectives, and strategies to achieve your business goals.

  • Evaluating Programs, Processes, and Projects

    Our experts help you assess the effectiveness of your initiatives, ensuring they align with your overarching mission.

  • Designing strategies

    Creative strategies for community engagement, Indigenous workforce participation and managing cultural difference in teams: We offer guidance on fostering inclusive and culturally sensitive work environments, enabling you to navigate the complexities of diverse teams successfully.

Organisational Capacity Development

At Cross Cultural Consultants, we offer consultancy services and project management focused on enhancing organisational capacity. Our services are designed to empower communities and individuals to develop enterprises that are culturally appropriate, sustainable, and successful. We take a holistic approach to not just business development but capacity development, addressing key areas such as:

  • Culturally Appropriate Design

    We understand the importance of aligning your business strategies with cultural values and traditions, ensuring your enterprise resonates with your community.

  • Governance and Management

    Our experts provide guidance on effective governance and management practices that support your organization’s long-term growth.

  • Resource Mobilization

    We help you identify and secure the resources needed to fuel your business’s growth and development.

  • Mentoring

    Our experienced mentors offer support and guidance to nurture your leadership and management skills.


If you are a First Nations business or organisation interested in seeking business development support from a team who understands the challenges and opportunities unique to your community, look no further. Cross Cultural Consultants is here to partner with you on your journey to success. Our proven track record in facilitating organisational development, capacity building, and strategic planning, coupled with our commitment to cultural sensitivity, sets us apart.

Let’s collaborate to unlock the full potential of your business.

Contact us today for personalised solutions tailored to your aspirations and cultural context. Your success is our priority – together, we can achieve meaningful and sustainable growth.

Our Business Development Work

See What Organisations We’ve Worked With

Jawoyn Association (Katherine/Big Rivers)

Cross Cultural Consultants (CCC) collaborated with the Jawoyn Association to develop and deliver a comprehensive cross-cultural awareness training (CCAT) program in the Katherine region. Our scoping study involved creating financial models, determining initial support needs, and identifying business models and local Jawoyn trainers. CCC facilitated stakeholder meetings, conducted research, and committed to marketing the program for sustainable work opportunities. The CCAT development encompassed grant applications, workshops, data gathering, and course material creation. The program’s success over 12 months reflected our commitment to fostering local employment, Jawoyn representation, self-sustainability, leadership development, and tourism integration.

Gurdanji Aboriginal Corporation (Borroloola/Roper Gulf)

Cross Cultural Consultants, in collaboration with McArthur River Mine, played a pivotal role in establishing and supporting the Gurdanji Ranger Group, a registered Aboriginal Corporation. Our efforts included developing a Healthy Country Plan, providing Business Planning and Establishment Services, and delivering governance support for compliance. This encompassed tailored training for the Board, policy and procedure establishment, resource planning, and human resources support. Through a staged approach, we identified income streams, funding opportunities, and designed comprehensive training programs. Our commitment involved facilitating governance training for sustained success.

Kunwinjku Fine Art (Darwin/West Arnhem)

Cross Cultural Consultants (CCC) played a vital role in rejuvenating Kunwinjku Fine Art (KFA), a family business hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. With over 15 years in operation, KFA sought CCC’s expertise to secure funding and devise a new business direction for sustainability. Leveraging the Northern Territory Government’s Aboriginal Business Development Program, CCC conducted a comprehensive business review, identified areas for improvement, and crafted a strategic business plan. The project, completed on time and budget, equipped KFA with a dynamic Live Plan application, ensuring adaptability to changing business landscapes—a testament to CCC’s commitment to revitalizing First Nations businesses.

McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust

Cross Cultural Consultants, led by Director Jason Elsegood and Consultant Wendy Moulds, served as Project Officers for the McArthur River Mine (MRM) Community Benefits Trust, a partnership supporting local projects. Over six years, we facilitated 50 projects, collaborating with external partners like the Australian Government and philanthropists. Our role included supporting applicants in identifying, developing, and managing regional development programs in line with the Trust’s objectives. Projects ranged from eco-tourism ventures to arts development, showcasing our dedication to holistic business development for First Nations organizations.

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